Submission #1

Reporting Category Student Score CB Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 0 In the 14 second video, I thought that the program showed the input (command that was being run) and the output of the program, which was the table of values for each of the triangle sides. In the writeup, it also talked about the program functionality. In College Board's explanation for giving this submission in a 0 in this category, they talked about how the response did not "specify the program's purpose". Since CB will give a 0 if even one part of the requirement is missing, this response received a 0.
Data Abstraction 1 1 There were two program code segments, the name of the variable which represented the list was used in the writeup, and in the writeup, the submission talked about the data which was in the sides list and what role it played in the program. It talks about how the program wouldn't have worked without that list and its data. College Board agreed with this score.
Managing Complexity 0 0 In the writeup, the submission had no mention of how the named list (sideIndex) managed complexity in the program. CB agreed with this assessment, and also gave the submission a 0/1 for this scoring category.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 The student-developed procedure is ratioCalculate, and there's one student-developed procedure and another code segment where that procedure is being called. In the writeup, the submission also talks about how that ratioCalculate procedure contributes to the functionality of the program.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 In the writeup, there is a program code segment which talks about the student-developed algorithm ratioCalculate, which includes all of the CB requirements. The writeup is very descriptive in regards to this algorithm, which is why CB also gave the submission a 1/1 in this category.
Testing 1 1 This deserved a 1/1, since the writeup showed two calls to the procedure with different arguments, and the conditions which were tested for each of those calls were described. Finally, the response showed the results for each of those calls, and therefore, meeting all the requirements for this scoring section, CB also gave it a 1/1.

Submission #2

Reporting Category Student Score CB Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 In the video showing the program at work, it shows that there is the user input from the user putting the tiles on the grid, and the output through how the game is working. Then, it shows the simulation at work. In the writeup, the submission talks about the program's purpose, the functionality shown in the video, and the input/output of the program (explicitly written in writeup). CB agreed with this assessment and gave them a 1/1 as well.
Data Abstraction 1 1 There are two different code segments which are shown in the writeup, which shows how data is being kept. It gives the name of the list (startGrid) and what is in the list. It meets all requirements, and I gave it a 1/1, as did CB.
Managing Complexity 1 1 In the writeup (3.b.v), the submission talks about how doing the task with variables or another method would be incredibly complex, and then talks about how they used a list to manage that complexity. This is why I gave it a 1/1, and CB did as well.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 The replaceList procedure is talked about in the writeup, and in the writeup, it also talks about how the procedure contributes to the functionality of the program and its necessity. Therefore, it deserved a 1/1 and CB agreed.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 The submission talks about the replaceList procedure and the algorithmic implementation within it. The writeup is very specific in regards to the algorithm and the procedure that its located in, meeting all the requirements, so it deserved a 1/1.
Testing 1 1 The testing deserved a 1/1, and CB agreed. The writeup talks about the 2 calls to the procedure which contributes to the execution of different code segments in the program. The writeup also talks about the conditions which are being tested in relation to the procedure call, and finally, the results of the 2 calls to the procedure.