Submission #1

Reporting Category Student Score CB Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 0 0 The writeup only mentions the functionality of the program and does not hit any of the other requirements for this section, therefore deserving a 0.
Data Abstraction 0 0 Though the writeup touches on the abstraction and the purpose of the two lists in the program, it does not talk about how that data from the list is utilized for the program.
Managing Complexity 0 0 The writeup provided an incredibly vague explanation of how the lists are used, and it does not talk about how the lists helped to reduce the complexity of the program itself.
Procedural Abstraction 0 0 This deserves a 0, because though it talks about the code segment, it is not truly explained to the level it should be to get a 1. The functionality is also mentioned, but not in-depth.
Algorithm Implementation 0 0 In the rubric, it mentions that the algorithmic implementation is supposed to include sequencing, selection, and iterations. The algorithm in this submissions' program does not utilize all of those features, therefore, it gets a 0.
Testing 1 1 All of the testing requirements are fulfilled and the results of the test are shown, and all of the necessary calls have been completed and showed in the writeup.

Submission #2

Reporting Category Student Score CB Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 The functionality of the program and the purpose of the program are both shown and tie in together, therefore it gets the point for this category.
Data Abstraction 1 1 The writeup has two defined and explained code segments, and the use of the data in the code segments for the program is explained. It gets the point for this category.
Managing Complexity 1 1 The writeup talks about how the list contributes to the program, and how it helps to manage the complexity of the program. Without the list, the code segment would be completely different and it would be a lot more difficult to accomplish the same task, and this is explained from this student's writeup. Therefore, it gets the point for this category.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 There is a student written procedure which is shown and described with its functionality. The procedure is shown to be a very major component of the program's functionality as a whole, so this point is deserved.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 The writeup has a thorough explanation of how the algorithm is implemented with the program and the use of sequencing, iterations, and selections. Therefore, it gets this point.
Testing 1 1 The results of the two procedural calls are shown in the writeup, and it shows the outputs of the tests. This writeup satisfies all the needed components for the testing category, therefore it gets this point, completing the perfect 6/6 submission.

Submission #3

Reporting Category Student Score CB Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 0 0 In the writeup, though it talks about the user input and output, the program's purpose and functionality do not exactly tie in with each other and are not described. Therefore, it cannot get this point.
Data Abstraction 1 1 The writeup shows two explicit code segments, and the program has a list with data inside of it which is necessary to the program. Therefore, it gets the point.
Managing Complexity 1 1 The writeup talks about how the data and the list are necessary for the program's functionality as a whole. It also describes alternative pathways for if lists were not used here, and it talks about how the list helps to manage the program's complexity, therefore, it gets the point.
Procedural Abstraction 0 1 The writeup talks about the procedure in the program and how it contributes to the overall functionality of the program, but there is no explanation of the parameters of the procedure and what they do. CB seemed to disagree with this, giving the submission a 1/1 on this section.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 The functions are described, and the calling of the functions are are briefly mentioned. The algorithmic implementation, the most important part, is explained and how it contributes to the program is explained.
Testing 1 1 Each of the parameters are described and the algorithm's usage and its testing is shown. Each of the inputs are shown and the outputs are the expected outputs, so this submission gets the point for this category.

Submission #4

Reporting Category Student Score CB Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 The program's functionality and purpose are talked about, and the writeup shows the user input and the correlated output.
Data Abstraction 0 0 The list is shown purposefully, and the writeup describes its usage in the entire program. At the same time, though, the alternative to using a list was pretty lame and did not seem thought out, therefore this should get a 0.
Managing Complexity 0 0 The explanation for how the list is useful for the entire program is not as good as it can be, and it does not touch in depth on how it manages the complexity of the program.
Procedural Abstraction 0 1 I thought that since there are no explicit parameters talked about in the writeup, this should get a 0. CB saw it otherwise and mentioned the usage of the specific algorithm and its relation to the entire program, so it gave the submission a 1/1 in this category.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 The use of sequencing, iterations, and selections are shown and explained, and the algorithm is explained with incredible detail, showing how crucial it is to the functionality of the program as a whole.
Testing 0 0 The writeup does not show us any tested algorithms and any tested user inputs, therefore it does not meet the main requirements for this category.


Overall, I was pretty accurate with my grading, but there were a few spots, especially in the procedural abstraction section, where I need to be more clear on the rubric and the requirements. For each of the sections, I need to make sure that my Performance Task meets each of the requirements, as College Board shows us that they will give a 0 if even a small part of one requirement in the section is not met.