For the College Board performance tasks, it is required that we meet all of the parameters for the project. The project needs to be appropriate and has to be able to show our programming skills in a way that utilizes a writeup and video demonstration to show our program purpose and functionality, how we manage complexity, algorithms and procedures that we develop and utilize in our program, the testing of our program, and many other detailed descriptions that can show the grader that we are well-versed in our project and with the programming skills that are in the AP CSP curriculum.

For our Create Performance Task (group) we have been working on developing a news site that gives users up to date news updates with many cool, new features which current news sites currently don’t offer, such as state of the art sports predictors, trackers, and analytics, places for YOU to update your own breaking news events and even local news which you would like to make the public more aware of, and the most secure algorithms implemented to keep user data safe.

Personally, I’ll likely be using either the Global Updates page or the account login/sign up page which I have been handling (mainly). I have to make sure that I am hitting every single one of the requirements on each of the scoring sections on the CPT rubric, and I think that I am making good progress towards that. I am already settled down on the program purpose and functionality, and this will be explicitly described in my writeup & my video. Furthermore, I will be able to test it, and after creating the backend of the login/sign up pages and after it is fully functional, I will be able to go in-depth to describe the algorithms which were utilized, how complexity was managed using lists, and how my backend is secure and utilizes many different complex programming methodologies.

In the video, I will likely show a user signing up and creating an account and setting their own options and changing their preferences in their account page, such as their newsletter status or notification status or even changing their usernames or passwords.