1. Make sure that each of the pages on your site matches the same default formatting. Though each of the pages can be unique in their content, it’s better that each page has the same formatting as the next, in order to keep a uniform design and look more professional.

  2. Detect and fix broken links ASAP! Having broken links on your frontend (links that lead to nothing) leaves a bad taste in the consumer’s mouth, and it is something you absolutely want to avoid.

  3. Focus on making your frontend look as professional as possible. Throughout the project, my own group members had some issues with this, as they did not capitalize words, they left punctuation/spelling inaccurate and incomplete, and overall, made it seem like there was a lack of effort put in, despite my group members having worked extremely hard on each of their features.

  4. Prioritize creating a frontend that allows for a certain level of personalization and input from the user themselves. If the user does not have this opportunity, they’ll feel bored on the site, and leave to discover another project instead of yours. This can include buttons, user input options to generate a response from the system, etc. This will largely enhance the user’s experience.