I ended up scoring a 48/50 on the MCQ Test #3, and I was happy with this, but there were two difficult questions which I got wrong which I have reflected on below.

In this question, the given scenario was in relation to finding the distance between two numbers, num1 and num2, on a number line. The option I chose was to take the absolute value of each number separately and then add the two numbers. This is actually incorrect, because if you take the absolute value of two positive numbers and add them, that will give a value that is greater than their distance away from each other on a number line. In actuality, the correct answer was option B, where the two numbers are subtracted from each other FIRST, and then the absolute value of that difference is taken and displayed. This would display the correct result in every situation. Next time, I need to pay closer attention to the question, as this wasn’t incredibly complicated, but I didn’t consider all possibilities of program outputs.

For this question, you had to choose the two of the four given algorithms which appear to run in a reasonable time. In this case, I actually selected both of the incorrect algorithms, B and C. B is incorrect because the steps taken for each size increases exponentially, which is not efficient, and C is incorrect because the number of steps for each increasing list size n grows at a factorial rate. A is correct, as the steps grow linearly in relation to the list size, and D is correct, as the steps needed for each list size of n is n squared, which is algorithmically efficient. I need to better understand these relationships so I can get a similar question correct next time.