Mental Health Quiz AppLab Creation


Interesting Components:

  1. I used the Area51 Theme throughout all of my screens and buttons. This is one of the themes that AppLab provided, and I really liked its color scheme.

  2. The button to restart the quiz at the end is a good component for people who want to take the quiz multiple times.


  1. The app itself was fully functional; all of the buttons and screens worked as they were meant to.

  2. My use of onEvent and showScreen was smooth and easy to make the app.


  1. I was not able to use a more EFFICIENT way to make my program, rather than just using onEvent and showScreen components repeatedly for EVERY option and screen.

  2. The quiz itself may have been a little bit on the shorter side; maybe there could’ve been more interactive components for the user to get more help. Giving links and resources for the user to visit at the end of the quiz could be a good idea.