Important Vocabulary Terms:

  1. Healthy: Staying “healthy” means to indulge ourselves in physical and mental cleansing activities, allowing us to stay happier and more content with our lives.

  2. Wealthy: Being “wealthy” does not only apply to money; it can also apply to time, where we get more time to complete things that we intend to.

  3. Gratitude: This is an emotion that allows us to express our gratefulness for a particular situation, person, emotion, etc.

  4. Enterprise: The individual journey that each person goes on regarding our well-being level and unique endeavors that we embark upon.

Important Takeaways:

It is extremely important to express gratitude towards people and situations that we are in. We are all privileged in some way or the other, and it is crucial that we recognize that and be thankful for it.

We have to make a conscious effort to increase our wellbeing. Whether this is through exercising daily, meditating, or manifesting our goals, we have to prioritize our mental and physical health.

Personal Gratitude:

Personally, I am very grateful for the following things in my life:

  • Having a family that I can talk to and share experiences with
  • Having a home that I can return to everyday
  • Having access to a proper education everyday
  • Being friends with many great people
  • Having an abundant amount of food and clean water

Group Stress Survey:

Our Scrum Board group (David, Akshat, Samit, and myself) created and analyzed a survey amongst many of our peers regarding their different contributing stress factors.

The survey results were documented by Samit in this post on his site.

The results showed that having a healthy social circle and life allows for a greater reduction of stress. From this survey, it is clear that ALL students should attempt to meet and socialize with good groups of people in order to take breaks from the rigor of daily schoolwork.