My Upcoming School Work:

This week, I have a lot of work to do. I am in APEL, AP Stats, AP Physics, and AP Computer Science. I have a lot of homework from all of these classes.


  • Finish Annotating Sample 3
  • Review feedback on writing assignments
  • Prepare for Tuesday’s MC Test
  • Prepare for Wednesday’s On Demand

AP Stats:

  • Complete daily worksheets
  • Review for Team Challenge FRQ on Monday, 8/29
  • Review for Unit 1 Quiz on Thursday, 9/1

AP Physics:

  • Finish Minicar Lab
  • Keep reviewing 1D Motion concepts
  • Prepare for a possible quiz

AP Computer Science:

  • Work on the things listed in the schedule for this week with Samit and crossover pair, Akshat/David
  • Do the Hacks, go above and beyond!