
Introductory Question

In 2-3 sentences, explain the purpose of DuckDNS as a DNS alternative to what is already in place (Freenom). Do you think we should use one or the other? Why or why not?

Answer: __

Sample Answer:

DuckDNS provides a free dynamic DNS service that allows users to assign a domain name to a dynamic IP address. It can be used as an alternative to Freenom, which also offers free domain names. The choice between the two depends on individual needs and preferences, such as ease of use, availability of domain extensions, and customer support.

from PIL import Image

duckdns ="../images/duckdns.png")


Quiz Time

Now that we have gone over all the neccessary details about what DNS, AWS, and how to set them up using DuckDNS and AWS Servers. Now it is a time for a quiz to test your applications.

import getpass, sys

# method to display question and get user's answers
def question_with_response(prompt, qCount):
    print("Question " + str(qCount)  + " : " + prompt)
    msg = input()
    return msg

# dictionary to hold questions and answers as key : value pairs
questionsDict = {"What does Domain Name Server represent?": "DNS",
    "What does this Represent: Amazon Web Services, which is a cloud computing platform provided by Amazon.": "AWS", 
    "What is the first Step to setting up an AWS Server? 1: Connecting to a Ubuntu EC2 Instance, 2: Start updating the system, 3: Clone the repository which one wishes to deploy, 4: Run the command: to start the project": "1",
    "What is the third Step to setting up an AWS Server? 1: Connecting to a Ubuntu EC2 Instance, 2: Start updating the system, 3: Clone the repository which one wishes to deploy, 4: Run the command: to start the project": "3",
    "What is the fourth Step to setting up an AWS Server? 1: Connecting to a Ubuntu EC2 Instance, 2: Start updating the system, 3: Clone the repository which one wishes to deploy, 4: Run the command: to start the project": ".4",
    "What is the second Step to setting up an AWS Server? 1: Connecting to a Ubuntu EC2 Instance, 2: Start updating the system, 3: Clone the repository which one wishes to deploy, 4: Run the command: to start the project": "2",
    "What files are you supposed to edit after finishing the first steps of setting up the server and cloning it within the AWS Server? 1: Edit the docker files and docker.yml, 2: Edit the file to change the characteristcs.": "1",
    "What is the first step to setting up a DuckDNS Server? 1: Sign in with your DuckDNS account using Github, 2: Configure current ip to the IP address that you want to access and click update ip button , 3: Create the subdomain, 4: Access site by typing in": "1",
    "What is the second step to setting up a DuckDNS Server? 1: Sign in with your DuckDNS account using Github, 2: Configure current ip to the IP address that you want to access and click update ip button , 3: Create the subdomain, 4: Access site by typing in": "3",
    "What is the third step to setting up a DuckDNS Server? 1: Sign in with your DuckDNS account using Github, 2: Configure current ip to the IP address that you want to access and click update ip button , 3: Create the subdomain, 4: Access site by typing in": "2",
    "What is the fourth step to setting up a DuckDNS Server? 1: Sign in with your DuckDNS account using Github, 2: Configure current ip to the IP address that you want to access and click update ip button , 3: Create the subdomain, 4: Access site by typing in": "4"

# number of questions as length of the dictionary
questions = len(questionsDict)

# set correct to 0
correct = 0

print('Hello, ' + getpass.getuser() + " running " + sys.executable)
print("You will be asked " + str(questions) + " questions.")
print("Are you ready to take a test! Press Enter key to begin. Best of luck :)")

questionCount = 0
# iterate over list of keys from the dictionary. pass dictionary key as question to the question_with_response function
for key in questionsDict:
    questionCount += 1
    rsp = question_with_response(key, questionCount)
    # compare the value from the dictionary to the user's input
    if rsp.lower() == questionsDict[key].lower():
        print(rsp + " is correct! Good Job!")
        correct += 1
        print(rsp + " is incorrect! Better Luck next time.")

# print final score    
print(getpass.getuser() + " you scored " + str(correct) +"/" + str(questions))

# calculate percentage
page = correct/questions * 100

# print percentage

print("Total Percentage: " + str (format(page,".2f")) + "%")
Hello, shivansh running /home/shivansh/anaconda3/bin/python
You will be asked 11 questions.
Are you ready to take a test! Press Enter key to begin. Best of luck :)
Question 1 : What does Domain Name Server represent?
DNS is correct! Good Job!
Question 2 : What does this Represent: Amazon Web Services, which is a cloud computing platform provided by Amazon.
AWS is correct! Good Job!
Question 3 : What is the first Step to setting up an AWS Server? 1: Connecting to a Ubuntu EC2 Instance, 2: Start updating the system, 3: Clone the repository which one wishes to deploy, 4: Run the command: to start the project
1 is correct! Good Job!
Question 4 : What is the third Step to setting up an AWS Server? 1: Connecting to a Ubuntu EC2 Instance, 2: Start updating the system, 3: Clone the repository which one wishes to deploy, 4: Run the command: to start the project
3 is correct! Good Job!
Question 5 : What is the fourth Step to setting up an AWS Server? 1: Connecting to a Ubuntu EC2 Instance, 2: Start updating the system, 3: Clone the repository which one wishes to deploy, 4: Run the command: to start the project
2 is incorrect! Better Luck next time.
Question 6 : What is the second Step to setting up an AWS Server? 1: Connecting to a Ubuntu EC2 Instance, 2: Start updating the system, 3: Clone the repository which one wishes to deploy, 4: Run the command: to start the project
1 is incorrect! Better Luck next time.
Question 7 : What files are you supposed to edit after finishing the first steps of setting up the server and cloning it within the AWS Server? 1: Edit the docker files and docker.yml, 2: Edit the file to change the characteristcs.
1 is correct! Good Job!
Question 8 : What is the first step to setting up a DuckDNS Server? 1: Sign in with your DuckDNS account using Github, 2: Configure current ip to the IP address that you want to access and click update ip button , 3: Create the subdomain, 4: Access site by typing in
1 is correct! Good Job!
Question 9 : What is the second step to setting up a DuckDNS Server? 1: Sign in with your DuckDNS account using Github, 2: Configure current ip to the IP address that you want to access and click update ip button , 3: Create the subdomain, 4: Access site by typing in
3 is correct! Good Job!
Question 10 : What is the third step to setting up a DuckDNS Server? 1: Sign in with your DuckDNS account using Github, 2: Configure current ip to the IP address that you want to access and click update ip button , 3: Create the subdomain, 4: Access site by typing in
2 is correct! Good Job!
Question 11 : What is the fourth step to setting up a DuckDNS Server? 1: Sign in with your DuckDNS account using Github, 2: Configure current ip to the IP address that you want to access and click update ip button , 3: Create the subdomain, 4: Access site by typing in
4 is correct! Good Job!
shivansh you scored 9/11
Total Percentage: 81.82%


Complete the answers in your own words

Question 1: How does AWS Work?

Question 2: How is AWS useful for projects?

Question 3: How does Duck DNS Work?

Question 4: How is Duck DNS useful for projects?
