I love my tools because they are necessary to succeed in computer science.

Without the proper installation of tools, we are not going to be able to access the full functionalities of notebooks and scripts.


Dependencies are a very important part of using tools and extending our capabilities.

Each tool may depend on other tools being installed.

One example of dependencies in the computer world is in Windows Services.

Each Windows Service hits a different critical capability on the OS, and they have a tab of dependencies for other services that are necessary for functionality.

In this way, all Windows services are connected just like all CS tools are connected with each other.


  1. VSCode: This is arguably the most important tool of them all. This is where all of the code simulation takes place. You can run your repositories locally from here, organize your files, and edit all of your code. There are also many other code editors, but VSCode is the best editor on the market.

  2. WSL: This is Windows Subsystem Linux. This is very important, since it allows you to clone and locally edit repositories. This is also where all of the tools are downloaded.

  3. AWS: This is a tool that we will eventually have to use. This will allow for deployment of Flask and backend repositories which will come in handy for full stack projects.