Project Overview: Collaborative backend development journey for with team members Rohin Sood, Vardaan Sinha, and Vishnu Aravind.

Login Functionality:

Developed a secure login system. Implemented an API controller for server-website interactions. Introduced a unique feature for administrators to create customized User IDs and pins. (Mortensen and Lopez) Student Data Framework:

Created a comprehensive data-framework representing students from CSSE, CSP, and CSA courses. Built from scratch due to the absence of an existing API. Plan to convert this extensive student data into a functional API for various administrative uses, including GitHub statistics analysis. Security Enhancements:

Focused on connection and validation protocols for web tokens with Rohin. Involved in-depth computing to ensure encrypted and authenticated data transmission. Database Management with CRUD:

Vardaan and Vishnu tasked with refining backend CRUD operations for seamless database updates by administrators. Critical for adding or removing assignments, ensuring platform content relevance and accuracy. Deployment Progress:

Advanced stages of project deployment through Amazon Web Services (AWS), targeting the Ohio server, handled by Vardaan. Current project completion stands at 45%, with an anticipated 80% mark after full backend establishment. Learning and Future Goals:

The project underscores the importance of teamwork, problem-solving, and innovation in backend computing. Aiming for further coding collaborations, learning, and the successful launch of