1. How you used N@tM to capture test data to be used in trimester 3:

We used feedback from the people who talked to us to capture test data. We saw which features the people who came to our stations enjoyed the most - and from our observations, that was most obviously the draft feature. Everyone loved how interactive it was, and therefore, we are going to work on expanding that feature the most during Trimester 3. This will mean storing all the team data to accounts and such to make for a more professional experience.

  1. From feedback, something you will add to your project:

Something we will add to our project will be a feature where people can draft whenever they want - we will try to create a league feature throughout trimester 3, where people will be able to join leagues with their friends and play against each other. This will be a high step up and will be a little more difficult, but would definitely be more engaging as a project.


  1. Reflection on glows/grows from your demo/presentations:

We think that our demonstration was definitely more captivating than any of the other projects we have been a part of in CS. Our demonstration was incredibly interactive, and we saw that the people who talked to us and tried out our basketball draft were genuinely pretty excited to see how the predictions turned out, and they were happy to win or lose. They were very interested to also understand how our simulation worked, and it was definitely good that all of our team members have a good understanding of how our project works inside and out, and were therefore all able to explain it to outsiders in an understandable manner. Something that we could work on for next time in terms of the demonstration is to make sure that everyone coming to our table can get the same experience - we noticed that sometimes when people would come over, we would show them solely the draft, and sometimes, if people were sticking around a bit longer at our table, we would show them both the drafting page and the individual statistics page. It would be better if everyone got the same exposure to our project, and this is something we can emphasize doing for next trimester’s Night at the Museum.

  1. Visuals or pics of team and people you talked


  1. Something you saw in CompSci that impressed:

One project which we saw that had a lot of potential was in the CSSE section. They created a Super Mario game but with multiplayer capabilities. The game was interactive, had easy controls, and was visually appealing. Furthermore, there was a leaderboard where you could play and compare your score to your friends, which was pretty cool. It seemed professional and was impressive.

  1. Something you saw outside of CompSci that you liked

One project outside of CompSci that I really liked was a student’s video edit that he created for media production. He is very passionate about watching basketball, and he created a professional short video on one of the finest NBA players, Kyrie Irving - and all of his sick moves and handles. It looked like something I would be able to see on a viral social media platform, and I was very proud of this student and thought it was a great project.